Landscape Gardens

Landscape Gardens

Over the winter, the estate embarked upon a project aimed at rediscovering Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown’s lost landscape at Trentham Gardens...
8:00 AM
Over the winter, the estate embarked upon a project aimed at rediscovering Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown’s lost landscape at Trentham Gardens. Brown was employed here from 1759 to 1780, and his work included extending the mile-long lake, the The show, covering almost three acres, is sure to provide homeowners, renters and others fresh new ideas for landscape design, flowers, plants and home
Landscape Gardensnur8.8stars based on9reviews Over the winter, the estate embarked upon a project aimed at rediscovering Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown’s lost landscape at Trentham Gardens...

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